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Darwin Community Church

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Sun, Mar 01, 2020
Duration: 48 mins 49 secs
God's people wouldn't listen and Judgment was the last resort. Babylon would be His fire and His sword that was going to discipline His people
Sun, Mar 01, 2020
Duration: 49 mins 31 secs
Jesus told His disciples there would be many deceptions taking place as His return moved closer. Many would claim to be the Messiah and it is easy to see how this would happen in the future with so much fake news and misinformation that society is being fed today.
Sun, Feb 23, 2020
Duration: 27 mins 12 secs
Sun, Feb 16, 2020
Duration: 37 mins 22 secs
Why do we want to do our own thing? Why don't we like being told what to do, when to do and how to do it? How can we fix it? The jewish people didn't understand why they were being punished for their sin. Ezekiel gives them a history lesson showing their rebellion from the beginning to where they were right now in captivity. Things had not changed, they kept on doing the same things, they needed help.
Sun, Feb 09, 2020
Duration: 12 mins 13 secs
The people assumed and had placed their trust in their Kings to make things Right. Ezekiel now presents a funeral song over the last Kings of David's dynasty where the people would be grieving over the loss of the kings and what could have been
Sun, Feb 09, 2020
Passage: Mark 13:9-0
Duration: 41 mins 52 secs
Jesus tells his disciples they would face persecution and it is a warning that those who follow me will be hated for my names' sake. This means that Christians today should be prepared when persecution comes as it will as we get closer to the Lord's return. Be comforted for we will begin the strength and the words to say at that time.
Sun, Feb 02, 2020
Duration: 38 mins 8 secs
Sun, Feb 02, 2020
Passage: Mark 13:1-8:0
Duration: 48 mins 7 secs
Jesus told his disciples that certain things would take place before he comes again. Many deceptions, false prophets, fake news, natural disasters etc. As Christians are we spiritually aware the times are a changing and things are not getting better and will only get worse.
Sun, Jan 26, 2020
Duration: 35 mins 20 secs
Ezekiel addressed the false assumption that it was OK to blame their parents for all their suffering and there was nothing they could do to change it. God says not true, every soul that sins will die so accept responsibility for your own actions.
Sun, Jan 19, 2020
Duration: 31 mins 49 secs
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