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Darwin Community Church

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Sun, Apr 12, 2020
Passage: Mark 16:1-8:0
Duration: 26 mins 35 secs
Why do people have so many objections about the Resurrection? What proof would satisfy them? Today I want to look at 4 stones that people have when it comes to accepting and believing Jesus was who He said He was.
Sun, Apr 12, 2020
Duration: 34 mins 22 secs
The island city of Tyre is likened to a good well functioning ship with everything that a person could desire. It was the major superpower of commercial and financial in the area of that time. No one could compare with what she had. Her self sufficiency and her pride led to her shipwreck and sent shockwaves throughout the world.
Fri, Apr 10, 2020
Duration: 34 mins 26 secs
Jesus meeting with the disciples in the Upper Room celebrate the Passover and this would be the final Passover before His death as the Lamb of God. It was at this supper He taught them about a new covenant which they would be part of and what that would mean to them
Sun, Apr 05, 2020
Duration: 36 mins 16 secs
God has been dealing with the judgments of the nations around Israel and Ezekiel singles out the city of Tyre for special attention and devotes 3 chapters to her demise. Her main problem was Pride and self sufficiency and it is a timely reminder when a nations forgets God and doesn't believe it needs Him then trouble is not far away.
Sun, Apr 05, 2020
Duration: 25 mins 8 secs
Looking at the Passover meal and how Jesus shared a special and intimate time with His disciples to tell them about a new covenant inn which they would be part of it.
Sun, Mar 29, 2020
Duration: 38 mins 43 secs
God has pronounced His judgment on Jerusalem and now He has some advice to those nations around Jerusalem who have mocked and enjoyed seeing the people dealt with, that judgment is now coming their way.
Sun, Mar 22, 2020
Duration: 45 mins 2 secs
This wasn't God's choice but He was left with no options are His previous warnings. The time for talk was over and now was a time for action. Ezekiel was to deliver a message they would never forget but what a cost it was for him. Would we be prepared to do what he was asked to do?
Sun, Mar 22, 2020
Duration: 34 mins 38 secs
People see Jesus in different ways and the 3 types of people are presented in our text show what Jesus meant to them. Does Jesus mean enough for me to give hIm the very best I can give Him?
Sun, Mar 15, 2020
Duration: 36 mins 24 secs
An usual title but it accurately described the relationship between the 2 sisters here who represent the cities of Samaria and Jerusalem
Sun, Mar 15, 2020
Duration: 47 mins 23 secs
Jesus thought it was important to teach His disciples about things to come before He went to His death and resurrection and it is important that are aware of it as well. Jesus says there will be a generation who will be alive who will see all the things He has spoken of and they will know that My return is very soon.
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