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Darwin Community Church had its humble beginnings at the Retta Dixon Homes for boys and girls. In

1956 Mr Stan Eldridge with his wife Connie and family came to Darwin and began services which were held in their house continually for 5 years. These services included Worship and Sunday School classes.

In 1961 with the provision of a Sydney William Hut, the services were moved to Stuart Park where the services were conducted for another 5 years. On Sunday, the 3rd September, 1961, the Darwin Community Church was formed, and 23 baptised believers were received into membership by Mr EA Collins, the AIM General Secretary.

On Thursday 7th April, 1966 the church was officially opened and dedicated by Miss M. Shankelton, MBE at the present site at Millner. Pastor Eldridge continued in his role as Pastor and Wally Fejo was called to be his assistant, and served in that capacity from 1963-1965.

In 1965 Ralph Day served as Assistant Pastor to Mr Eldridge, continuing in the growing ministry of the church with its various activities.

In 1969 Pastor Lymburn was called and served for 12 months.

From 1970 – 1974 the pastoral responsibilities were shared by Mr Eldridge and Ralph Day until Pastor Eldridge’s homecoming in 1974.

From 1974 – 1977 Ralph Day and the diaconate shared pastoral responsibilities.

In December 1976 the Church called Max Shenck to be the Pastor of the Church and supported by his wife and family, served in this capacity until June 1981.

From 1981 – 1983 Ralph Day and the diaconate shared the pastoral responsibilities.

July 1, 1983 Pastor Peter Ezzy was called by the Church and with his family is still serving and ministering in the Church to this present day.