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Darwin Community Church

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Sun, Sep 22, 2019
Passage: Mark 11:1-0
Duration: 51 mins 33 secs
Jesus Presented himself as King something the people acknowledged with their lips but not their hearts. They had other ideas about what their King should do for them. Jesus didn't fit that expectation and the next day people turned against Him.
Sun, Sep 01, 2019
Passage: Ephesians 6:4
Duration: 1 hr 1 mins 21 secs
Paul's message to fathers was one that went against their culture in a big way. The father had the power of life and death over his whole family without any repercussions from authorities. Paul warns fathers of the potential danger of abusing their position and challenges them to be positive influences in the lives of their family.
Sun, Jul 21, 2019
Duration: 36 mins 48 secs
Sun, Jun 23, 2019
Duration: 44 mins 36 secs
The prophet's role was not about numbers or success it was about being faithful to the task he was called. We can learn much from the Role of Ezekiel today, to be dependent and reliant on the Lord for the task He has prepared us for.
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