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Darwin Community Church

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Sun, May 14, 2017
Duration: 34 mins 16 secs
Sun, May 07, 2017
Duration: 51 mins 49 secs
God uses ordinary people to achieve His purposes. Ehud is an example of our battle with the flesh.
Sun, Apr 09, 2017
Duration: 44 mins 16 secs
In observing the Passover 2 goats were used to provide a single sacrifice - one for a covering for sins and the other to remove sin from the people. All point to Jesus Christ as a once for all sacrifice that was offered and never to be repeated. The debt of sin has been paid in full but must be received by faith.
Sun, Apr 02, 2017
Duration: 36 mins 53 secs
So mNay people say they know about the Love of God but are really strangers to God's Love. If know it and have received it what should I do with it?
Sun, Mar 26, 2017
Duration: 53 mins 21 secs
Do we pray in order to change God's mind? Or does prayer change us?
Sun, Mar 19, 2017
Duration: 40 mins 13 secs
Is it possible for God to change His mind? The Scriptures seem to indicate He can. How does this fit with the idea that God is Immutable?
Sun, Feb 19, 2017
Duration: 47 mins 28 secs
Does God know Everything? If He does why doesn't He do something about this world to change it? What does He really know about me anyway?
Sun, Feb 12, 2017
Passage: Hosea 11:5-0
Duration: 30 mins 9 secs
Sun, Feb 05, 2017
Duration: 35 mins 27 secs
Hosea presents a God whose love does give up even when they are in rebellion against Him. His love is unconditional and Hosea shows how caring and nurturing and the pain He feels when His people reject Him and are ungrateful.
Sun, Feb 05, 2017
Duration: 46 mins 15 secs
Many people have not been confronted by the holiness of God. Isaiah is an example of what happens when a person sees themselves before a holy God and begins to understand who they are. To know God is to know who He is and who we are.
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