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Darwin Community Church

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Sun, Jun 17, 2018
Duration: 41 mins 36 secs
What people are looking for today is the real thing, the genuine article, not some fake or hypocrite. There are many Christians today who hide behind masks pretending to be something they are not. Jesus doesn't't give us options to live a life for him they are commands that reveal the change that is taking place in our lives.
Sun, Jun 10, 2018
As disciples of Christ we are to invest in others and the Lord is the greatest example of how this is to be done. Paul advises Timothy to know in whom and what He believed and to guard the gospel as precious and to hold onto those things passed on to him by the Lord.
Sun, Jun 10, 2018
Being a disciple of Christ is not for the faint hearted. It involves denying self, bearing our cross daily and following Him. This involves understanding our position in Christ and what it means to be connected to him through relationship and allowing Him to live through us.
Sat, Jun 09, 2018
As a follower of Christ it requires commitment, sacrifice and preparation. Paul likens it to being in a race and the disciple of an athlete in order to obtain the prize.
Sun, Jun 03, 2018
Duration: 37 mins 49 secs
Paul had defended himself against attacks of being in the ministry for money, power and possessions. he had previously shown in v1-6 his inward motivations and now in these verse he shows us how he proves through his life his genuine for them like those of a mother and father.
Sun, Jun 03, 2018
Duration: 45 mins 39 secs
It is easy to say that your a Christian but often another thing to live it. Jesus challenges us to carefully calculate the cost of what it means to be one of his disciples.
Sun, May 27, 2018
Paul was accused of being in the ministry for money, power and prestige by those who wanted to get rid of him. He goes on to show the true motives for being a preacher of the Gospel. He live what he believe and it the Word of God that changed his life.
Sun, May 20, 2018
Duration: 32 mins 17 secs
Sun, May 20, 2018
Duration: 58 mins 54 secs
Every person who claims to be a Christian is a disciple but not every Christian has surrender to the call to be one. Jesus called ordinary people to be something and do something and that call hasn't change!
Sun, May 13, 2018
Duration: 45 mins 20 secs
How can I be sure that I am a Christian? Is there a standard or criteria to be met? What causes me to doubt? What is election and how does this provide with assurance of salvation?
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