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Darwin Community Church

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Sun, Nov 18, 2018
Duration: 39 mins 15 secs
Sun, Nov 18, 2018
Passage: Mark 5:1-20:0
Duration: 56 mins 35 secs
Jesus shows he is prepared to go to forbidden places to reach unreachable people in order to transform their lives from bondage
Sun, Nov 11, 2018
Duration: 34 mins 41 secs
Persecution was intensifying for these believers and Paul encourages them to let the Lord pay back their persecutors and for them to love and forgive their persecutors.
Sun, Nov 11, 2018
Duration: 48 mins 4 secs
All believers we encounter storms in life; they will be sudden, they will be severe. The disciples had a head knowledge about Jesus but had to learn a practical lesson in trust in an unusual storm. It is through the storms that we learn about ourselves and what we really believe and whom we believe.
Sun, Nov 04, 2018
Duration: 31 mins 29 secs
Sun, Oct 28, 2018
Duration: 39 mins 12 secs
Paul wants to current wrong attitudes in these 3 chapters of Thessalonians. In this first chapter the believers persecution was increasing and some wanted to quit and give up thinking it wasn't worth it. Paul begins by encouraging them to cultivate an attitude of gratitude
Sun, Oct 21, 2018
Duration: 29 mins 43 secs
Paul farewells this congregation of believers encouraging them to keep up what they are doing but do it better.
Sun, Oct 21, 2018
Duration: 53 mins 5 secs
Jesus didn't give an explanation as to the meaning of the mustard seed and this has caused confusion among Christians for many decades. I will give my opinion and that is all it is regarding this parable.
Sun, Oct 14, 2018
Duration: 28 mins 35 secs
Paul challenges believers in their relationship to be aware of truth, stand on it, never play with it or compromise it so they remain firm and pure.
Sun, Oct 14, 2018
Duration: 42 mins 14 secs
The life is in the seed itself - not on the sower or the soils. The mystery of the seed is that it does it own thing to produce life. As Christians we are to sow the seed (the Word of God) in the lives of the people we meet trusting that God will take that seed and make it grow to produce a harvest for Him.
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