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Darwin Community Church

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Sun, Oct 21, 2018
Duration: 53 mins 5 secs
Jesus didn't give an explanation as to the meaning of the mustard seed and this has caused confusion among Christians for many decades. I will give my opinion and that is all it is regarding this parable.
Sun, Oct 14, 2018
Duration: 28 mins 35 secs
Paul challenges believers in their relationship to be aware of truth, stand on it, never play with it or compromise it so they remain firm and pure.
Sun, Oct 14, 2018
Duration: 42 mins 14 secs
The life is in the seed itself - not on the sower or the soils. The mystery of the seed is that it does it own thing to produce life. As Christians we are to sow the seed (the Word of God) in the lives of the people we meet trusting that God will take that seed and make it grow to produce a harvest for Him.
Sun, Oct 07, 2018
Duration: 53 mins 51 secs
Paul gives believers some new commands to keep in order to maintain a healthy relationship with one another.
Sun, Oct 07, 2018
Duration: 44 mins 25 secs
Jesus is the Light of the world and as believers we are to lift him up to shine in a world of darkness. Do we hide him, him him or lift Him up?
Sun, Sep 30, 2018
Duration: 28 mins 51 secs
Paul gives 4 commands that should be a way of life under the control of the Spirit of God in regard to dealing with difficult and different people in our congregation. These are not optional things to do when we feel like it but are commanded.
Sun, Sep 30, 2018
Passage: Mark 4:1-20:0
Duration: 55 mins 36 secs
This is not about the sower or the seed it is about the soils. Jesus prepares his disciples for the types of responses they were get from people when they present the Word of God. Things that we need to know and understand today. It is not about us, or the seed. We are to sow the Word where we are and understand it doesn't need to be changed but has the power to change lives.
Sun, Sep 23, 2018
Duration: 30 mins
How are congregation to treat their leaders? Why should they? Paul challenges this group of believers to appreciate the work of their leaders in preaching, teaching the Word of God.
Sun, Sep 23, 2018
Passage: Mark 3:1-6:0
Duration: 48 mins 1 sec
Was it a setup to trap Jesus on the Sabbath by the religious thought police of his day? He was faced with a decision what would he do? The challenge for us today is are we more like the Pharisees in being comfortable with rules and regulations for our security expecting everyone else to comply or else or do we feel threatened by the grace of God at work?
Sun, Sep 16, 2018
Duration: 37 mins 41 secs
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