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Darwin Community Church

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Sun, Dec 30, 2018
Duration: 42 mins 3 secs
What will 2019 bring? What did was learned in 2018? How to we look at ourselves as we face difficult times and circumstances. Paul reminds us of the treasure we have been given.
Tue, Dec 25, 2018
Duration: 46 mins 30 secs
What is worship? How do you define it? A lot of what is called worship is not. We can learn a lot from the wise men and their call to worship the newborn King.
Sun, Dec 23, 2018
Jesus Christ has caused controversy at his birth and still does today. People either love him or hate him. What do you believe about him? To best answer that question you must look at the evidence before you decide. People are left to make a decision about him, there is no sitting on the fence. You must confront him and what you believe about Him.
Sun, Dec 16, 2018
Duration: 47 mins 59 secs
The Thessalonians believers were confused regarding the 2nd Coming of Christ. Paul says they should have know these things because he taught the. Where and from hat did he teach them?
Sun, Dec 16, 2018
Duration: 38 mins 56 secs
The virgin Birth is essential for Christmas. If we cannot believe the accounts of the writers, then they are liars and we cannot trust the Bible. What did Mary and Joseph think of the news they were going to have a baby through supernatural means?
Sun, Dec 09, 2018
Paul had to remind these believers they were not in the Day of the Lord because 2 things had to occur first. There would be The Great Apostasy and when this event happened world wide then the man of lawlessness would be revealed. Today we are seeing signs pointing towards a day when the whole world we rebel again God and oppose him, His Truth and His people. This is happening in 2018 in most western countries today where legislation has been passed to remove free speech and freedom of religion. All pointing to the future time where a man would take control of the world and its systems and declare himself to be God and demand worship.
Sun, Dec 09, 2018
Isn't it pagan, not commanded to; to commercial; more or a burden than a blessing. Need to think about if there was no Christmas, no Easter and many of things we celebrate. God chose to give the best news to the world to a group of Shepherds who were outcasts that a Saviour had been born? Why?
Sun, Dec 02, 2018
Duration: 33 mins 11 secs
This groups of believers were in confusion concerning the 2nd coming of the Lord. Didn't know what to believe. They had been told they had missed the Rapture and herein the Day of the Lord because of the immense persecution they were going through. Paul had to write to them to correct their thinking. The same sort of confusion over the 2nd Coming remains with believers today. What is right? Differing opinions - how to know the truth?
Sun, Dec 02, 2018
Duration: 49 mins 14 secs
Mankind fears disease and death. It doesn't matter what a person's position, power or privilege is in society - death I no respecter of persons or boundaries - it comes to all of us. Jairus was faced with a choice believe what the crows told him or believe what Jesus told him. Same applies to us today.
Sun, Nov 25, 2018
Duration: 38 mins 41 secs
So often we pray for the wrong things, things concerning ourselves. Paul reveals to these believers in Thessalonica 3 things that he always prays to God for them.
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