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Darwin Community Church

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Sun, Mar 10, 2019
Duration: 50 mins 53 secs
Jesus wanted to invest in the disciples with private teaching preparing them for their future ministries after he had left them. He wanted them to know and understand that ministry involves all people, including Gentiles. His message was that God cares about you as an individual and wants a personal relationship with you.
Sun, Mar 03, 2019
Duration: 45 mins 18 secs
The author of Proverbs is reinforcing the pursuit of wisdom and the benefits that it brings and the first point he makes in these verses is the importance of walking with God.
Sun, Mar 03, 2019
Duration: 43 mins 44 secs
Jesus uses a Gentile woman to tech his disciples what genuine faith looks like in order to prepare them for their future ministries.
Sun, Feb 24, 2019
Duration: 31 mins 55 secs
Sun, Feb 24, 2019
Duration: 47 mins 28 secs
The Legalists of Jesus day had lists that were to be followed in order to be holy and acceptable with God. Jesus had a list which he gave to the people which was internal exposing the problem of the heart was the heart of their problem as it is ours today.
Sun, Feb 17, 2019
Duration: 32 mins 48 secs
God gives us wisdom and it is crying out to us with its message. The world has turned up the volume and we are hard pressed to heard God speaking to us today. Wisdom must be heard and applied and Solomon gives some wise instructions to his son
Sun, Feb 17, 2019
Passage: Mark 7:1-13:0
Duration: 39 mins 10 secs
The Pharisees and scribes had burdened the people with rules, ritual and regulations to the point where the people equated holiness with external things rather the changing the heart. Modern Christians would hate to think of themselves as legalists or hypocrites but I wonder if we are not guilty of majoring on the externals rather than the internals.
Sun, Feb 10, 2019
Duration: 36 mins 48 secs
Sun, Feb 10, 2019
Duration: 39 mins 54 secs
Sun, Feb 03, 2019
Duration: 36 mins 4 secs
The Book of Proverbs has many gems and insights into daily living. Solomon wrote many of them while he was walking with the Lord and the wisdom he gives crosses all generational boundaries and is inclusive of ages and genders.
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