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Darwin Community Church

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Sun, Apr 14, 2019
Duration: 44 mins 39 secs
Jesus asks his disciples 2 questions. Who do people say I am and who do you think I am? Your answer will determine your eternal destiny. Jesus Christ still decides people, who have similar opinions as those in His day. Who do you think I am is a challenging question what is your answer?
Sun, Apr 07, 2019
Duration: 43 mins 52 secs
We are good at giving advice but not so good at receiving it. Many find it hard to listen to advice from others. Solomon tells us that wisdom is necessary for relationships and how to deal with possessions, prosperity and debt.
Sun, Apr 07, 2019
Duration: 36 mins 5 secs
Sun, Mar 31, 2019
Duration: 40 mins 19 secs
Solomon tells us that the wisdom from God is to be appreciated far great than precious jewels - worth more than money can buy. Do we value it or despise it?
Sun, Mar 31, 2019
Duration: 41 mins 28 secs
Christ wright presents thoughts and testimony
Sun, Mar 24, 2019
Duration: 29 mins 58 secs
Sun, Mar 24, 2019
Passage: Mark 8:9
Duration: 52 mins 1 sec
Jesus had to deal with the Pharisees who were spiritually blind to the truth and he left them. He had to deal with his disciples who were partial blind to the truth about them. In many ways we are similar to the disciples when it comes to understanding who the Lord is and how He works in our lives.
Sun, Mar 17, 2019
Duration: 33 mins 20 secs
Solomon passes onto his son the benefits and rewards of wisdom when applied to everyday living
Sun, Mar 17, 2019
Passage: Mark 8:1-9:0
Duration: 45 mins 18 secs
Are the feeding of the 4000 people the same as feeding the 5000 people? Jesus was teaching his disciples to be prepared to take the Good News into all the world to all people. This meant they would have to get over the long held bias towards Gentiles to understand they would be included in God's plan of salvation.
Mon, Mar 11, 2019
Duration: 38 mins 12 secs
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