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Darwin Community Church

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Sun, Jun 21, 2020
Please see video for content
Sun, Jun 21, 2020
Please see video presentation for content
Sun, Jun 14, 2020
Please see video on YouTube for message details
Sun, Jun 14, 2020
It is hard to be on the receiving end of injustice and yet this is exactly what happened to Jesus. The trial and all the proceedings went against the very heart of law and order that the council believed and supported. They broke every rule in the book when it came to Jesus
Sun, May 31, 2020
Contrast between False Shepherds and the Good Shepherd. Ezekiel brings a timely message that indicts the Leaders of Israel in failing to carry out their responsibilities. Please see Video.
Sun, May 24, 2020
It is hard to take when a person you trusted betrays that trust. It is a bitter pill to swallow. Judas, is remember in history for the kiss that sealed his deal with Jesus enemies. He delivered him on a platter according to the scriptures. Please see video on you tube.
Sun, May 24, 2020
What are the duties of a watchman? What happens when you failed in your responsibilities? Does God have watchmen today? See Video for answers
Sun, May 17, 2020
This is the last message Ezekiel delivered to Egypt and it sealed their doom. Please not due to technical difficulties we had this afternoon the sermon was not recorded. Our apologies. The notes for the outline can be viewed.
Sun, May 10, 2020
Duration: 38 mins 33 secs
What is the Tall Poppy Syndrome and how doe sit apply To Egypt?
Sun, May 10, 2020
Passage: Job 2:1-10:0
Duration: 48 mins 36 secs
Celebrating Mothers day and all the no name mothers in the Bible and the jobs they do. Today we want to focus on Mrs Job and her legacy and why she said what she did.
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