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Darwin Community Church

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Sun, Aug 09, 2020
Jesus satisfied all God's requirements with His Sacrifice on the cross. What does Jesus death mean to you? See Youtube for sermon details
Sun, Aug 02, 2020
Please see Youtube Video for information
Sun, Aug 02, 2020
Please see Youtube Video for information
Sun, Jul 19, 2020
What do these bones signify? What is God going to do with Israel as a people and a nation? Please view YouTube presentation to find information
Sun, Jul 19, 2020
Pilate's soldiers thought Jesus was a joke, Pilate thought He was a joke? What do you think about Jesus? Please see video on YouTube for information on this topic
Sun, Jul 12, 2020
Please see video on YouTube for content
Sun, Jul 12, 2020
From being popular with people to face an outright rejection and be told we don't want you. Please see Youtube video for content
Sun, Jul 05, 2020
Please see Video
Sun, Jul 05, 2020
Truth today is what most people say and believe it to be according to themselves. Jesus told the truth and it cost Him His life. The challenge we face today concerning the truth about Jesus Christ, what are we going to do with Jesus - see video under our live stream titles
Sun, Jun 28, 2020
Looking at Israel future - please see YouTube video for details
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